Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Book Review: Doing It

My Thoughts

I have often thought that you can easily get non-fiction guides about 'growing up', targeted at 10-11 year olds but there has always been something missing for older teenagers. Hannah Witton has completely filled the gap in the market; I absolutely adored Doing It while reading it for the first time. But I can guarantee that I will be reading and referring to it for many years to come.

The book covers all the different areas of sex and relationships you could think of in depth, including healthy and unhealthy relationships, masturbation, contraception and consent. There are so many elements of the book that I loved, but Hannah's honest and frank discussions came out on top. The book didn't throw information at me in an overwhelming way, but instead, I felt as if I was talking to a friend or sister. 

Another extremely positive part of the book was that Hannah had contributors write passages for the book on topics they had their own experiences of. This meant that Doing It is widely accessible to many people, who will each take different things away with them from the book. Also, Hannah's little anecdotes were humorous, informative and completely relatable: they allowed me to build a personal connection with Hannah. The whole book needs to be given to young people, right now: there are so many topics covering in Doing It that are completely missed off and ignored in Sex Education lessons in Schools in the UK, which is so wrong. I was educated while reading the book on such a wide range of things, and I think that is amazing, especially when I thought I knew most things about sex at 17 years old. 

An easy 5/5, Doing It is definitely worth a buy, as such a wide range of people will benefit so much from this book. As soon as my younger family members start asking questions as they progress through teenage years, this is the book I will be giving to them.

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